Сальвиниевые - Salviniaceae Salviniaceae is a family of heterosporous ferns in the order Salviniales. The Salviniaceae contain the two genera Azolla...

Сальвиниевые - Salviniaceae

Salviniaceae is a family of heterosporous ferns in the order Salviniales. The Salviniaceae contain the two genera Azolla and Salvinia, with about 20 known…

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Марсилиевые - Marsileaceae The Marsileaceae (/mɑːrˌsɪliˈeɪsii/) are a small family of heterosporous aquatic and semi-aquatic ferns, though at first...

Марсилиевые - Marsileaceae

The Marsileaceae (/mɑːrˌsɪliˈeɪsii/) are a small family of heterosporous aquatic and semi-aquatic ferns, though at first sight they do not physically resemble…

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